About the Book

Why is America, undoubtedly one of the greatest countries ever to exist, being destroyed? How can the progressive left promote Communism? They may call it by another name—democratic socialism, Marxism, liberalism—but regardless, they are all promoting the growth of Communism. Ask any advocate of this radical ideology why, if their system is so great, why people are not flocking to it. Why are they forced to stay? Why are they fleeing it if they can? I started The Decline of America, A Cancer Spreading in America, after studying Communism for years, and I have concluded that Communism is a seductive lady. Seducing the naïve, the young, and the downtrodden. She seduces with the promise of a better world. She has become the Bernie Madoff of ideology—a Ponzi scheme promising things she cannot deliver. After being seduced, those who succumb find out they have aligned themselves with a she-devil from which they cannot extract themselves.

A bald eagle is standing in front of the american flag.
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Wayne White
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 7 reviews
 by Rute L.
What an eye-opener!

I am not usually into this kind of stuff, but when a friend gave me the book, I was shocked at the information in it. It is easy to read and full of things everyone should know about what has been happening in our country. I wish more folks would read it. I passed it on to another person.


 by L. Heim
America's Reality Check!

This book is comprehensive, provocative, and poignant. Beginning with the author's historical research and timeline, he presents fluid correlations that are both factual and prerequisite, to (aptly subtitled) The Rise of Communism in the United States.

There is a foundation on which all beliefs are formed; Mr. White expounds with clarity, several of the manipulative tools being used to indoctrinate Communism into our freedom-loving nation (including illegal immigration, Critical Race Theory, interchange of words like "equality" and "equity", etc.).

On several occasions while reading this book, I was glad to be reminded of the many nefarious activities that were quickly negated, masked, censored, or twisted, by the corrupt Oligarchy in America; MSM, Big-Tech, Corrupt Government, and our Public Education system are ALL responsible for The Decline of America.


 by Gerald L. Binder
Democrats are all about power and control of less fortunate.

This book needs to be read by politicians and the liberal media dunderheads before we loose America.

 by J. A. White
What an eye-opener!

I am not usually into this kind of stuff, but when a friend gave me the book, I was shocked at the information in it. It is easy to read and full of things everyone should know about what has been happening in our country. I wish more folks would read it. I passed it on to another person.

 by Theresa Tritt
The democrats want communism!!!

I just finished reading “The Decline of America: The Rise of Communism in the United States” by Wayne White. This book is fantastic! Wayne nailed it and tells it just like it is. He didn’t sugarcoat anything. Everything patriots have been seeing and saying is explained in detail. This is an excellent read if you want to know what's really going on in America

 by C.R. Andrews
Good Value

Very informative eye-opener.


 by Ericson J. Carson
This Book Is a Wake Up Call for America

The Author writes easily and clearly. He explores the history and modus operandi of Communism infiltrating America via our borders, language, culture and education systems. A must read to "reclaim our voices" for our families...for our country! Brilliantly done!